Billy Mays

Billy Mays

Friday, March 10, 2017

Stage 2

What could be added?
There is nothing possible to still add from these websites. They had things that were already added in the Top Ten list.

What they all have in common:
They all had peoples names as website URLs, all had some sort of navigation bar, and all had pictures.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Other Peoples CES 2017 things

Michael Capone-LG's Airport guide
Gaerin McGregor-HTC Vive Tracker
Ben Gauthier-Toyota Concept-i
Katelyn Bonitatibus-Kuri
Nicholas Hand-Robot Teachers

LG's Airport guide because some people can't find their way around airports. It would probably be very expensive when it hits the market. The upside of something like this is that people most likely won't lose their jobs.

Image result for lg airport guide

Challenge 1234

Challenge 1: Whether it's Halloween or not.
Output: Date and Time, whether it's Halloween or not

Challenge 2: App tells whether a person is at a school or not:If they are, the phone should turn it's ringer off.
Output: GPS location, Whether you are at a predetermined location to turn the ringer off, and whether the ringer is off

Challenge 3: Figure out what to wear in the morning
Output: What you should wear today.

Challenge 4: What movie to go to
Output: Closest movie theaters and top rated movies playing right now