Billy Mays

Billy Mays

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Scratch final project

Scratch link

I began by adding a background and two characters, a playable character and an enemy. From there, I just kept adding other characters. Through my adventures, I encountered no big challenges, though there were some small challenges along the way, such as some AI problems, though there a little look at some previous projects and a spice of new ideas solved those issues. Testing was the easiest part: I would just play the game and see what worked and what did not. What would suck in testing was that I would have to start the entire game over just to test one sprite. I am quite surprised that it worked as well as it does, and I am also quite happy with the results. Personally, I am most proud of the Shark with laser beams. It is the most fun character I made for this game, and also the most overpowered. I am not really disappointed of anything.

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